- Time Still Turns the Pages Reviewby Robert DreverDepression and loneliness are emotions that I believe we will all experience but will experience in all different forms. My mental health has always been rocky but why it is like that is due to my life experiences which are solely exclusive to me. What others will go through I will never understand. Mental health… Read more: Time Still Turns the Pages Review
- Saw X Reviewby Robert DreverJohn Kramer and his trusty puppet are horror icons. Saw as a franchise was the catalyst that started the torture porn phase of early 2000s horror films. But unlike other films like Hostel, Saw transcends a phase in time and the franchise is up there with such legends like Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street… Read more: Saw X Review
- Killers of the Flower Moon LFF 23 reviewby Robert DreverThe land is filled with Black Gold, and while it is never explicitly stated the white man cannot allow this to continue. It is a tale as old of time. Fragile egos of white men who cannot see themselves without power, especially when controlled by native Americans. Killers of the Flower Moon is the story… Read more: Killers of the Flower Moon LFF 23 review
- Eileen LFF 23 Reviewby Robert DreverEileen is a hard and somewhat complicated film to talk about. For one talking about the plot is a nightmare, the film starts as a film about a young lady’s sexual suppression against a new colleague’s sexual freedom mixed in with a drunk alcoholic dad that leads the main character to want to blow her… Read more: Eileen LFF 23 Review
- The Killer LFF 23 Reviewby Robert DreverDavid Fincher is a name that is instantly recognisable to any film fan and needs no introduction. His name is the reason The Killer has appeared on a lot of the most anticipated films of the year lists. Fincher has always been a methodical and purposeful filmmaker. So, combining that with the story of a… Read more: The Killer LFF 23 Review
- Saltburn LFF 23 Reviewby Robert Drever“But it’s just the price I pay, Destiny Is calling me”. Mr Brightside by The Killers is an American song that in ways became an anthem in Britain played at every nightclub and festival to get the crowd hyped since its inception. But I highlight this lyric in particular as it encapsulates why I love… Read more: Saltburn LFF 23 Review
- Only The River Flows LFF 23 Reviewby Robert DreverChinese film noirs are not the genre of films I would associate with the country but in all honesty, my preconceived bias on what China produces might be out of tune. Taking place in rural China in the 90’s the film follows Ma Zhe a detective who must solve the murder of a woman, which… Read more: Only The River Flows LFF 23 Review
- Creation of the Gods 1: Kingdom of Storms Reviewby Robert DreverThe opening few moments explore the backstory and world-building which then cuts to a small thing of beauty a snowflake. The camera follows the snowflake as it slowly floats in the wind and then lays on the open eye. We then pan out to reveal the great tragedy that has already unfolded from a battle… Read more: Creation of the Gods 1: Kingdom of Storms Review
- The Lesson Reviewby Robert Drever“Great writers steal” this line which lingers throughout the entire film and in certain ways is somewhat a thematic catalyst for this review as this line both highlights what I like about this film and what I don’t at the same time. There is this idea that within storytelling which is every story has already… Read more: The Lesson Review
- The Expendables 4 Reviewby Robert DreverFool me once shame on me, fool me four times then maybe I should stop having hope. The Expendables on paper should be one of the biggest action franchises ever. The first instalment starred some of the biggest action stars of all time like Stallone, Statham, Li, and Lundgren. But this franchise has been products… Read more: The Expendables 4 Review
- It Follows Reviewby Robert DreverHave you ever watched a film and knew after the opening scene you were in for a truly special experience? It Follows had an opening scene like that and the rest of the film was only up from there. It Follows is a defying horror film of the last decade. Its metaphorical storytelling and truly… Read more: It Follows Review
- Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance Reviewby Robert DreverFull Disclosure, I have never seen a Rise of the Footsoldier film. I have heard of them and seen the DVD cases for them in a Poundland here and there over the years. But I’ve never dived head-first into a franchise until now. I know I am diving in at the deep end instead of… Read more: Rise of the Footsoldier: Vengeance Review
- The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbyes Reviewby Robert DreverTime is an interesting concept. Time passes differently for everyone and how we use that time is a complex decision. I’ve played 1,200 hours of apex legends and to some, that might be a waste of time. For me, the time I spent playing that game was time I was having fun with friends and… Read more: The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbyes Review
- Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 Reviewby Robert DreverCinemas are in a weird place. The window that films are in cinema for before they are on streaming or rental is the smallest it has ever been and it in ways has ruined what it means to go to the cinema. But even in a sea of hopelessness, there is a beacon of light… Read more: Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 Review
- John Wick Chapter 4 Reviewby Robert DreverI love action films. There is no genre of cinema that entices me more than a great action flick. It’s a genre that brings me great joy and a genre I have somewhat a good knowledge and understanding of. Its why I find recent MCU outings to be truly lacking as the action looks like… Read more: John Wick Chapter 4 Review
- The Flash Reviewby Robert DreverDC has not had the best track record as of late. Marvel, whether I liked the films or not has been dominating the superhero film sphere for so long, that it probably hasn’t been since The Dark Knight where DC has made a huge splash. I think that is going to change for better and… Read more: The Flash Review
- Re:cycle of the Penguindrum Part 1 & Part 2 Reviewby Robert DreverFull disclosure, I have never watched the Penguindrum tv show. I didn’t even know it was a thing until last year when Part 1 of this 2-film series was shown at Scotland Loves Anime 2022. I think it’s important to share that piece of information as I have never experienced this story before in its… Read more: Re:cycle of the Penguindrum Part 1 & Part 2 Review
- Rice Distribution & Nail Reviewby Robert DreverRice Distribution Spanning the course of one day, Rice Distribution is about The Ghost Festival which during the festival organisations give away rice to the poor and elderly. The film captures these events in a way that is simply gripping. The cinematography makes you feel like you are there watching the events unfold in front… Read more: Rice Distribution & Nail Review
- Flowing Stories Reviewby Robert DreverFlowing Stories is a documentary spanning many years, it highlights the festival in the Ho Chung village which occurs every 10 years. It highlights the difference in the village over the last few decades, from a village with many open farming spaces to a town that is being built up around them and the loos… Read more: Flowing Stories Review
- A Holy Family Reviewby Robert DreverReconnecting with family can be a wonderful or disastrous feat and A Holy Family follows Elvis Lu the director as he tries to reconnect with his family after moving away over 20 years ago. We get to see a brother start a tomato farm and has a talent of being a medium, a father who… Read more: A Holy Family Review
- The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side Reviewby Robert DreverWhat is it like to leave your home? what is it like to move to a completely different country due to the state of your country’s politics? what is it like to tick the other box for your nationality? The Grass is Greener on the Other Side is a documentary that tries to answer those… Read more: The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side Review
- Say I Do to Me Reviewby Robert DreverI’m a person who grew up with the rise of mainstream social media. YouTube especially is a massive platform that I grew up on. I went through the Suicide Forest incident, the adpocalypse and so much YouTube drama that shaped the platform into what it is today. That doesn’t even consider my love and passion… Read more: Say I Do to Me Review
- If We Burn Reviewby Robert DreverFor many people especially in the UK, the knowledge and understanding of what happened in Hong Kong in 2019 is nothing short of lacking. Unless you went out of your way to look for news articles. It never made huge headline news daily, in fact, I cannot remember a single BBC news segment airing at… Read more: If We Burn Review
- Plan 75 Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023by Robert DreverThe opening to this film could be regarded as jarring for some but after learning the real-life story it took inspiration from the opening leaving you with an impression that is both striking and powerful. So, it’s sad that it couldn’t sustain that power all the way through. But let’s hold off on that for… Read more: Plan 75 Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023
- I Like Movies Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023by Robert DreverVideo stores are a relic of the past, now we live in the day of age where streaming is King. I Like Movies takes place in a simpler time where to watch a film at home you would need to rent it or buy it physically. But while its setting might be stuck in the… Read more: I Like Movies Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023
- Mister Organ Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023by Robert DreverDocumentaries are not my strong suit. While I can enjoy them it’s a genre of cinema that is the hardest for me to watch, so for me to just say oh this sounds interesting let’s put this on in unusual. Unlike an action film let’s say where if I recognise one name, I’m likely to… Read more: Mister Organ Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023
- Blackberry Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023by Robert DreverWe live in an era where the smartphones that are in our pockets are more powerful than the computers that allowed Apollo 11 to land on the moon. When you think about that it’s quite scary how much tech has advanced in such a short time. This advancement is perfectly highlighted in Matt Johnson’s recent… Read more: Blackberry Review Glasgow Film Festival 2023
- The Wandering Earth 2 Reviewby Robert DreverThe definition of surprise is “an unexpected or astonishing event, fact, etc.”. so, to say that The Wandering Earth 2 was a surprise might be an understatement. The Wandering Earth 2 is a true sci-fi blockbuster film that is simply epic in scope and scale. The film takes place in the future where the sun is expanding and threatens… Read more: The Wandering Earth 2 Review
- The Narrow Road Reviewby Robert DreverRoads are a great metaphor for life. Sometimes life is like a motorway, it’s smooth and it takes you to a desired destination quickly and easily. But a narrow road might make life feel constrained and bumpy. I feel a narrow road is a better description of what life is really like and I feel… Read more: The Narrow Road Review
- Aftersun Reviewby Robert DreverThe title feels very poignant, the film could easily be described as a sunburn and only with Aftersun can be soothed and eased into something truly beautiful. I felt a whole range of emotions watching Aftersun, ranging from times in France playing arcade games like Time Crisis surrounded by older teens to how I feel… Read more: Aftersun Review
- Decision To Leave Reviewby Robert DreverOne of the most romantic films I’ve ever seen weirdly enough starts with not only a death but a potential murder. Park Chan-wook is back after almost 7 years since his last film The Handmaiden and in my opinion, it was well worth the wait. The film follows detective Jang Hae-joon as he investigates the… Read more: Decision To Leave Review
- A Life on the Farm Review + Interviewby Robert DreverEmotional reactions to me are truly special to art and with that in mind A Life on the Farm is a film that made me feel like I was on a rollercoaster of emotions. I went from laughing, to shocked, to sad, to joyful and to thrilled all in the span of 70 minutes. The… Read more: A Life on the Farm Review + Interview
- Shadow Review + Interviewby Robert DreverAfter graduating University with a Computing Science degree and doing my honours project on AI, I can safely tell you how truly scary the tech is. While the tech is still far off from replacing humans. Shadow explores this from the viewpoint of people who have disabilities. Every member of the production, cast and crew… Read more: Shadow Review + Interview
- Fish Story Reviewby Robert DreverCan a punk song save the world?? That is the question posed by Fish Story, a 2009 Japanese film based on the book written by Kotaro Isaka who also wrote the book for the latest Brad Pitt trainwreck of a film called Bullet Train. However, unlike that film Fish Story is a true delight and… Read more: Fish Story Review
- The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Reviewby Robert DreverIf you told me that in 2022 that a film where Nicolas Cage plays Nick Cage would be released and that the film would be good. I truly wouldn’t believe you, but it happened. In The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Nicolas Cage plays a caricature of himself, who is broke and has a troubling… Read more: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Review
- Everything Everywhere All at Once Reviewby Robert DreverWalking out of Everything Everywhere All at Once one thought came rushing through my mind, and that was when can I see it again. This is a truly special film that is weird, heartfelt, funny, emotional, and thrilling. Michelle Yeoh is Evelyn Wang a Chinese immigrant who is struggling to file her taxes. While it… Read more: Everything Everywhere All at Once Review
- Millennium Actress Reviewby Robert DreverSatoshi Kon is a truly incredible anime director, from his creative editing style to his unique and influential visuals, his work is timeless. Millennium Actress is a prime example of why he was a truly incredible director. Following a filmmaker and his camera man as they decide to interview a former actress for a documentary,… Read more: Millennium Actress Review
- Spiritwalker Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by CineAsia What happens when you mix the iconic Quantum Leap with John Wick? You get Spiritwalker, a truly special South Korean action thriller. Waking up with no memory and learning that every 12 hours he switches bodies, our main character has 1 mission uncover the truth and find out who he… Read more: Spiritwalker Review
- Star Trek Picard Season 2 Reviewby Robert DreverReview Copy Provided by Paramount. To say I was looking forward to watching Picard season 2 would be an understatement. After watching season 1 I was invested to the characters and the post Next Generation story that was presented felt like it was just getting started, and I couldn’t wait for more. So, after watching… Read more: Star Trek Picard Season 2 Review
- The Batman 4K Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Warner Brothers. The world’s greatest detective is back and this time he is doing detective work. It’s strange to think that after many incarnations of this beloved character it took so long for the detective side of the character to be front and centre. Similar to films like Seven The Batman… Read more: The Batman 4K Review
- The Battle at Lake Changjin Reviewby Robert DreverReview Copy provide by CineAsia Being fully transparent, this might be one of the hardest reviews I have ever written. The film was commissioned by the propaganda department of the Chinese Communist Party. Off that sentence alone it’s clear why I find reviewing this challenging. So, I’m going to review this film simply off its… Read more: The Battle at Lake Changjin Review
- Escape from L.A. 4K Reviewby Robert DreverReview Copy Provided By Paramount. Snake Plissken is a cinematic icon, he inspired one of gaming’s biggest icons Solid Snake. So, it only feels fitting that Escape from L.A. has jumped onto the 4K platform just like its predecessor. The plot is simple, Snake is sent into an isolated L.A. to retrieve a black box… Read more: Escape from L.A. 4K Review
- Drive My Car Review: London Film Festival 2021by Robert DreverWhen the opening credits for this film rolled at roughly 40 minutes in, I knew I was witnessing something special. Drive My Car is a film that is co-written and directed by Ryûsuke Hamaguchi and is Japan’s entry for the 94th Academy Awards (the Oscars). Drive My Car clocks in at 3 hours long and… Read more: Drive My Car Review: London Film Festival 2021
- Dune 4K Blu-ray Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Warner Brothers. When I saw Dune in the cinema late last year, it felt like a return to an era of cinema I thought was over, where we would see massive sci-fi epics on the big screen! Now you can experience this epic at home with the release of Dune on… Read more: Dune 4K Blu-ray Review
- The Beta Test Reviewby Robert DreverJim Cummings is a film maker everyone should have eyes on. His 2 previous features are a must watch, and I’ll always check out anything he does. This time he’s sharing the directing and writers chair with first time feature writer and director PJ McCabe. The Beta Test is about a Hollywood agent called Jordan… Read more: The Beta Test Review
- Europa Review : Edinburgh International Film Festival 2021by Robert DreverI’ve never seen a thriller this tense in a long time. Europa follows Kamal, a young Iraqi man who is trying to illegally cross the border between Turkey and Bulgaria. While crossing he is chased by a group of Bulgarian vigilantes. This film is intense from the opening minutes, the tone, danger, and the pace… Read more: Europa Review : Edinburgh International Film Festival 2021
- Raya and the last dragon Reviewby Robert DreverI love Asian cinema and culture. Due to this love, I was really excited to see Raya and the last dragon. However, part of me was very sceptical, I haven’t been in love with a lot of Disney’s recent releases. So, heading into Raya I wanted to know if this would be the film to… Read more: Raya and the last dragon Review
- In The Heights Reviewby Robert DreverLast year everyone had the opportunity to see the musical phenomena Hamilton, but before Hamilton. Lin-Manuel Miranda created the hit musical In the Heights which has just had a film adaption release. If there is anything in common between In the Heights and Hamilton is the incredible music. There isn’t a bad song throughout and… Read more: In The Heights Review
- Mortal Kombat (2021) Reviewby Robert DreverI love action films and know what I’m looking for and in my opinion the key to making a great action film can be summed up in 1 word, clarity. Understanding what is happening during an action scene is what allows me to be invested in the action. I say all this as Mortal Kombat… Read more: Mortal Kombat (2021) Review
- Zack Snyder’s Justice League Reviewby Robert DreverThe “#ReleaseTheSnyderCut” movement is extremely detailed and too long for this review but in short back in 2017 following a personal tragedy Zack Snyder was unable to release his version of Justice League. It took till 2021 to finally see his vision realised. Zack Snyder’s Justice League clocks in at a colossal 4 hours and… Read more: Zack Snyder’s Justice League Review
- Ip Man Reviewby Robert DreverInspired by the legendary martial art master of the same name. Ip Man encompasses what I love about films. It combines a gripping and engaging story with moments of out of this world action creating a martial art masterpiece to rival even famous Hong Kong classics like Project A and Dragons Forever. Donnie Yen who… Read more: Ip Man Review
- Soul Reviewby Robert DreverSoul is advertised and packaged as the new Disney Pixar kid’s film. However, it is in fact a film tailored for adults. Soul is about Joe Gardner who has a very strong passion for music, on the cusp of his lifelong ambition he is transported out of his body and must find a way back.… Read more: Soul Review
- Versus Reviewby Robert DreverReview Copy Provided By Arrow Video Versus can easily be described in one word. Insane. I honestly had a blast watching Versus, it’s just flat out fun. The action is simply bananas and I couldn’t stop smiling because of it. Seeing Yakuza members kill zombies in fun and gory ways is just thrilling. Honestly watching… Read more: Versus Review
- Wolfwalkers Review London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverRight off the bat, I have to make this clear. Wolfwalkers based solely on its animation is absolutely breath taking. Every frame of this film is just like a work of art and in my opinion is a type of animation I feel is missing from modern kid’s films because they are mostly made by… Read more: Wolfwalkers Review London Film Festival 2020
- Lovers Rock Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverSteve McQueen is quite possibly one of the best directors working today, 12 Years a Slave and Widows are quite frankly incredible films and some of the best films I’ve seen. So when I saw that some of his Small Axe films were being shown at the London Film Festival, I had to check them… Read more: Lovers Rock Review: London Film Festival 2020
- New Order Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverTaking place in a dystopian Mexico, New Order is a film about class divide and how the rich live completely different lives to the poor. This idea of class divide has been a common theme in big films recently like Joker and Parasite. But New Order takes these themes and does something very different from… Read more: New Order Review: London Film Festival 2020
- Possessor Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverThe apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and watching the second film by Brandon Cronenberg who is David Cronenberg’s son that statement is very accurate. To me Possessor is a film that is very much style over substance. For every awesome practical effect there was a moment I was like but why is this… Read more: Possessor Review: London Film Festival 2020
- Rose A Love Story Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverWhile watching Rose: A Love Story (which I’m going to call Rose for short) I kept thinking that I was watching a lesser It Comes At Night. Both films are very similar, both involve a couple living in isolation welcoming unexpected guest into there home and how things go from bad to worse because of… Read more: Rose A Love Story Review: London Film Festival 2020
- Another Round Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverThey say that drinking loosens you up and relax’s you so you can have a good time. Another Round is the latest film by Thomas Vinterbeg famous for the film The Hunt (2012), and is about a group of 4 friends who decided to put a theory into practice. The theory is that “humans are… Read more: Another Round Review: London Film Festival 2020
- Bad Tales Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverBad Tales is a film that for most of its run time I had no idea what was happening or even more what it was trying to say. It’s a decently made film that lacked any sort of substance and at times acted more disturbing than it actually was. Following a group a dysfunctional families… Read more: Bad Tales Review: London Film Festival 2020
- One Night In Miami Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverTaking place over the span of one night, 4 men: Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali), Malcolm X, Jim Brown and Sam Cooke are in a hotel room after Clay’s surprise win over Sonny Liston in February 1964. Stuck in this hotel the 4 come together and start to have discussions ranging from their personal life’s all the way to… Read more: One Night In Miami Review: London Film Festival 2020
- The Reason I Jump Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverSitting down to watch this documentary I had no idea what to expect. All I knew about this film was that it dealt with autism (ASD). So when I burst into tears about 35 minutes in, I knew I was watching something incredibly special. The documentary uses the book of the same name written by… Read more: The Reason I Jump Review: London Film Festival 2020
- Shirley Review: London Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverBeing brutally honest, I have no idea what this film was trying to be. Was it trying to be a biopic or a fictional drama. When I write reviews I tend to avoid looking at other peoples reviews before writing my own as I want my thoughts to be entirely mine and not me repurposing… Read more: Shirley Review: London Film Festival 2020
- Relic Review: London FIlm Festival 2020by Robert DreverFull Disclosure I think the best way to watch this film is completely blind, so please watch the film before reading this review as I feel that’s the best way to experience the film. How much you enjoy this film will solely rest upon if the film manages to sink its claws into you during… Read more: Relic Review: London FIlm Festival 2020
- Mulan 2020 Reviewby Robert DreverI wish there was a way to get back the 2 hours I wasted. Mulan 2020 is in my opinion the definition of terrible. It adds little to the original animation and it fails to recreate the magic the original had. Instead of a timeless story about female empowerment, where you can achieve anything if… Read more: Mulan 2020 Review
- Tenet Reviewby Robert DreverThe word Tenet is a palindrome, which means it’s the same forwards and backwards. While I won’t spoil why I personally think the film is called Tenet, the film deals with the flow of time and how effecting the flow could end the world. Christopher Nolan has never shied away from telling stories around weird… Read more: Tenet Review
- Fish Story Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Third Window Films. Can a song really save the world? Fish Story is about the end of the world… I’m not joking. In the opening we see an asteroid making its way towards earth with scientists saying there is no way to destroy it in time before it collides with the… Read more: Fish Story Review
- Melancholic Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Third Window Films. Yakuza’s, bathhouses, love, and to top this weird cake there’s also comedy. All of these things shouldn’t mesh well together and in some ways it doesn’t, but parts of this film really do work. I love all of the yakuza plot lines and some of the action is… Read more: Melancholic Review
- Creepshow 2 Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Video. Creepshow 2 is an anthology horror film that features 4 vignettes (sketches) 3 of these are the main focus of the film and the other plays out between the other 3. Because of this I’m going to go through each vignette and give a mini review for each one… Read more: Creepshow 2 Review
- Bloodstone Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Video. Bloodstone to me is the dictionary definition of a guilty pleasure. The film is honestly insane, with so many quotable lines, funny scenes and is frankly just a good time. It is 90 minutes of pure joy. There is honestly an on-foot chase scene where (and I’m not making… Read more: Bloodstone Review
- Hamilton Reviewby Robert DreverSaying Hamilton took the theatre world by storm is a bit of understatement. The success of Hamilton honestly blew us all away as hip hop and theatre haven’t really meshed well. But for almost 5 years the majority of people have not had the opportunity to be in the room where the show happens as… Read more: Hamilton Review
- The Game Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Academy Arrow Academy is releasing a limited edition Blu-ray for the film The Game. Due to this I feel obliged to give 2 opinions. My opinion of the film and my opinion of the package as a whole. I am doing this because with this release you are not solely… Read more: The Game Review
- Inferno of Torture Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Video I struggled to finish, Inferno of Torture. Women are treated so poorly in this film; it is just cruel and simply nasty. I honestly found this hard to watch but not in a way like 12 years a slave, which is hard to watch because of its dark and… Read more: Inferno of Torture Review
- Empathy, Inc Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Video. Empathy, Inc really shocked me. Heading into this film I had no expectations. All I knew about the film was that It was about VR (virtual reality) in someway. So when pressing play I had no idea what the journey ahead looked like. Upon finishing it I was was… Read more: Empathy, Inc Review
- Revenge Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Second Sight Films. Second Sight Films recently released a limited edition Blu-ray for the film Revenge. Due to this I feel obliged to give 2 opinions. My opinion of the film and my opinion of the package as a whole. I am doing this because with this release you are not… Read more: Revenge Review
- Arctic Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Signature Entertainment Arctic is the first film by Joe Penna, who before making this film was a successful YouTuber with his most popular video on the platform having nearly 17 million views. While Youtuber’s who venture into films or film making typically make films for their fans and in my opinion… Read more: Arctic Review
- Snowpiercer Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Lionsgate Bong Joon-Ho has made 2 films for Hollywood. One is Okja, a film that was booed at Cannes for being a Netflix movie and Snowpiercer a film in terms of UK distribution, has been sadly forgotten about until now. For the first time ever in the UK, Snowpiercer has been… Read more: Snowpiercer Review
- I See You Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Video. I was lucky enough to see this film at the Edinburgh Film Festival last year where I also got to meet the director Adam Randall. It was during this screening that the producer said, Arrow Video had got the distribution rights for the film in the UK and it… Read more: I See You Review
- Mulan 1998 Reviewby Robert DreverSince we are all locked inside our homes and in need of something to distract us. I decided to watch the original Disney Classic Mulan, as I have not seen it recently and I wanted to rewatch it before the live action remake hit the cinema. Mulan still looks beautiful despite the fact it is… Read more: Mulan 1998 Review
- Knives Out Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Lionsgate. Everyone has seen at least one whodunnit. From the many adventures of Hercule Poirot, to the murder she brings Jessica Fletcher and to Mr “just one more thing” Columbo, within the genre of whodunnit it’s hard to be innovative and come up with new concepts. Knives Out feels like a… Read more: Knives Out Review
- Ghost Master Review: Glasgow Film Festivalby Robert DreverThis film wears its inspirations on its sleeves, the film name drops many famous horror directors and the main character is literally called Akira Kurosawa (famous Japanese director who directed Seven Samurai, Rashomon and Ran). This is Paul Young’s first directing feature and while this film is not a terrible film, it can’t be classed… Read more: Ghost Master Review: Glasgow Film Festival
- Flint Review: Glasgow Film Festivalby Robert DreverWhat happened in the City of Flint, Michigan was horrible, disgusting and makes you think how could this have happened in 2014. Nobody should have to be scared of the water coming out of their taps or shower. Flint is a documentary which covers the events of what happened in Flint as it happened. The… Read more: Flint Review: Glasgow Film Festival
- Violet Evergarden I: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll Review: Glasgow Film Festivalby Robert DreverI’ll be honest I have not watched the show in its entirety. It’s another show that got lost in my watchlist and I know I have to watch it. So you might be thinking why did I go see this film without seeing the show before hand. It is because I love the studio behind… Read more: Violet Evergarden I: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll Review: Glasgow Film Festival
- Parasite Black and White Review: Glasgow Films Festivalby Robert DreverYou don’t realise how important colour is to story telling until you watch a film that has been presented originally in colour then shown in black and white. I had the wonderful opportunity to see Parasite in black and white at the Glasgow Film Festival 2020. This review is mainly going to focus on what… Read more: Parasite Black and White Review: Glasgow Films Festival
- The Death of Dick Long Review: Glasgow Film Festivalby Robert DreverOne of the first lines said is “wanna get weird” and in a nutshell it is the perfect way to describe this film. I love dark and unique comedies. Even though safe comedies can still be enjoyable, I do appreciate a film that takes risks with its humour. The Death of Dick Long certainly takes… Read more: The Death of Dick Long Review: Glasgow Film Festival
- First Love Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Signature Entertainment Takashi Miike is an interesting director, he has directed 103 films in his lifetime. While I’ve not seen all of his films (I’ve only seen “13 Assassins”) from what I’ve heard he is very much a hit or miss film maker. “First Love” is very much a hit, this… Read more: First Love Review
- Escape From Pretoria Review: Glasgow Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverTension is key when it comes to escape films. The feeling of being on the edge of your seat and bitting at your nails because the tension has grabbed you is one of the best feelings you can have while watching a film. “Escape From Pretoria” is a tensioned filled ride that grabs you from… Read more: Escape From Pretoria Review: Glasgow Film Festival 2020
- Proxima Review: Glasgow Film Festival 2020by Robert DreverProxima uses space as a launching pad to tell a story about how the literal space between Sarah Loreau (played by Eva Green) and her daughter Stella (played by Zélie Boulant) affects their relationship. Proxima is a very well-crafted film but in my opinion, it never really takes off in a way that makes you… Read more: Proxima Review: Glasgow Film Festival 2020
- One Missed Call Trilogy Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Arrow Video For my review of “One Missed Call” I’m going to be doing something a bit different. I was so very fortunate to have received the Blu-ray box set from Arrow video so Instead of reviewing just the films I will also be reviewing the Blu-ray package as a whole… Read more: One Missed Call Trilogy Review
- Parasite Reviewby Robert DreverHeading into parasite my expectations were high. The film was widely praised as being incredible and it also made history by being the first South Korean film to win the Palme d’or (Best Picture) at the Cannes Film festival and while I was writing this review it also won not only the Best International feature… Read more: Parasite Review
- In The Line Of Duty Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Signature Entertainment Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight) play’s disgraced cop Frank Penny who’s on a mission of redemption after accidentally killing the only lead in a young girl’s kidnapping. Frank Penny must go against authority to find where the missing girl is being held, however he can’t do it alone. He… Read more: In The Line Of Duty Review
- The Farewell Reviewby Robert Drever“Based on an actual lie”. Being diagnosed with cancer can mentally destroy both a person and their family, life is too short to live in fear with the idea that cancer could completely destroy you, but would your life be different if your family withhold your diagnosis. The Farewell explores this very idea with Awkwafina’s… Read more: The Farewell Review
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Reviewby Robert DreverThere will be a spoiler section at the end of the review this is where i will go into issues that i have with the film which i can not talk about without spoiling the film. The Sequel trilogy for Star Wars has been a mixed bag, The Force Awakens is a good start too… Read more: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review
- Angel Has Fallen Reviewby Robert DreverReview copy provided by Lionsgate On the bonus features for Angel Has Fallen one of the producers talks about how the original concept for the film was that it would of taken place on air force one, as angel is the code name for air force one after hearing that I wish they stuck with… Read more: Angel Has Fallen Review
- Doctor Sleep Reviewby Robert DreverDoctor Sleep is a sequel that shouldn’t have worked but does. It not only had to be a sequel to The Shining novel but also to the film, the fact this is even connected to Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining is a miracle as Stephen King hates Kubrick’s film. I’m happy to say that Doctor Sleep… Read more: Doctor Sleep Review
- Joker Reviewby Robert DreverJoker is an interesting film to talk about. On the one hand it deals with a man who has a mental illness and is beaten down by society in a unique and engaging way but on the other hand the film is not subtle with what’s its trying to say that it’s so obnoxious and… Read more: Joker Review
- Bumblebee Reviewby Robert DreverBumblebee had me grinning from ear to ear when the film opened on Cybertron. The amazing designs of the transformers based on the original 80’s cartoon that I grew up on made me feel like my childhood was coming to life. Charlie played by Hailee Steinfeld is great, she deals with various relatable personal issues… Read more: Bumblebee Review