The “#ReleaseTheSnyderCut” movement is extremely detailed and too long for this review but in short back in 2017 following a personal tragedy Zack Snyder was unable to release his version of Justice League. It took till 2021 to finally see his vision realised. Zack Snyder’s Justice League clocks in at a colossal 4 hours and 2 minutes and is presented in a 4:3 aspect ratio, for some hearing the film is over 4 hours might be a turn off, but I truly think it’s worth it. In my opinion Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a truly momentous film that was never boring or felt like it dragged in anyway.
The film is just simply epic, many scenes had me jumping up and down with excitement. The film is a treat visually and musically. The cinematography is beautiful, and I love the use of 4:3 aspect ratio, while It does take a bit getting used to seeing black bars on the side of the screen compared to the top and bottom you soon forget and knowing this was meant to be shown on an IMAX screen just fills me with excitement as the image would have filled the entire IMAX screen. The soundtrack is just incredible, every song just adds to the film and gives scenes serious impact. I loved this film, there’s so much else that I loved like the action, the acting, the story, the characters it is simply amazing, and I highly recommend watching it.